‘Be shore' about a healthy future for Haliburton County
For generations, our lakes have given us all many wonderful memories – lazy Summer afternoons swinging in a hammock by the shore, stunning starlit Winter nights spent fishing on the ice, or getting our water legs used to water-skiing for the first time.
But that way of life is now under real threat
Blue Green Algae (BGA) occurs naturally in our lakes, rivers and streams but can become extremely toxic when it creates 'blooms'. While climate change is of course partly responsible for the increased number of blooms, shoreline over-development is accelerating their number and frequency. In just a matter of days, these blooms can make a lake so poisonous that it can no longer be used for swimming, fishing or in our homes.
A toxic lake is a lake of no value to anyone
When we give our shorelines proper protection and take good care of our septic systems, we're helping prevent toxic BGA blooms. And when we work together to prevent blooms, we are protecting our health, our economy and the value of our property.
Taking good care of our County's beautiful lakes will take all of us. Be sure you know the full facts and discover the difference you can make.
Sign our petition supporting a shoreline protection By-law that will preserve the health of our County's beautiful lakes for generations to come.
In a new study, researchers at Ohio State University estimate algal blooms at two Ohio lakes cost homeowners $152 million in lost property value over six years.
Journal Reference: David Wolf, H. Allen Klaiber, Ecological Economics https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2016.12.007
Haliburton has its say.

The dangers of blooms
What property owners shouldn't do
A message for property owners
Preventing BGA
The importance of preservation
The impact on our economy
Shoreline vegetative buffers not only provide waterfront protection and habitat for birds and wildlife, but they also act as natural filters, providing an increased efficacy of 35% to 60% in the removal of sediment, pesticides, nitrogen and phosphorus.
Review and Analysis of Existing Approaches for Managing Shoreline Development on Inland Lakes